
80N and 410W
Alto, IN
Clay Twp., Howard Co., IN
*Image Key: Tombstone Photo - Obituary/Notes - - Requires Adobe Reader |
Surname | Given Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Vet | Age | Relation | *Images |
CONWELL | Infant Son | 28 Aug 1868 | 30 Aug 1868 | | 2 DA | s/o S.A. & J. | |
CONWELL | Martha A. | | | | INF | d/o S.A. & J. | |
DRUMMOND | Margaret | 31 Jan 1835 | 16 Dec 1864 | | 29 | w/o R.S. | |
FOOTSTONE? | | | | | | | |
HEADY | Idabell | | 3 Nov 1865 | | | d/o J.W. & E. | |
HEADY | Infant | | | | INF | | |
HEADY | Martha | 15 Jan 1842 | 31 Mar 1867 | | 25 | w/o James W. | |
JEFFERSON | James M. | 31 Mar 1849 | 6 May 1866 | | 17 | s/o J.P. & N. | |
ROBERTSON | Peter H. | 10 Jun 1872 | 28 Aug 1914 |  | 42 | | |
ROCK | Possible Marker | | | | | | |
STRINGER | Infant | | 17 Feb 1851 | | INF | | |
STRINGER | Mary | | 10 Aug 1849 | | | w/o John | |
STRINGER | Missouri A. | 8 Jun 1852 | 7 Jul 1873 | | 21 | d/o John & Catharine | |
UNREADABLE | | | | | | | |
UNREADABLE | | | | | | | |
UNREADABLE | | | | | | | |
UNREADABLE | Evan? | | 1844? | | | | |
WHEELER | Martha | 12 Jun 1858 | 2 Jan 1879 | | 20 | w/o L.F. | |
This information is provided for non-commerical use only and may contain inaccuracies. Please report any inaccuracies to: Debby Beheler |
All photographs are copyrighted by Patricia Tracewell and may be used for personal use only. |
Stringer Cemetery
Howard County Indiana Cemeteries
Site owners - Edward D Beheler & Debra L. Beheler
Updated 3 October 2013
Web Pages Created With Cemetery DataSource Software © 2008 John C. Anderson